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For social enterprises:

Make your life easier today
while we advocate for a better tomorrow


Social enterprises across Ireland are supporting each other to succeed


"CyberSafeIreland is delighted to be part of this exciting new venture, focused on driving awareness on, and creating opportunities for, social enterprises across Ireland today.  SERI represents a bold step in a new direction as it recognises the important and potentially transformative contribution social enterprises can make towards solving societal and environmental problems in an impactful and crucially, sustainable way."

                                                                  Alex Cooney, CyberSafeIreland

About SERI

A national representative body

for social enterprise in Ireland

Formed by some of Ireland's leading social enterprise practitioners and supporters, SERI is a champion for the sector and our members, both nationally and internationally.

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Learn about our advocacy work
driven by social enterprise practitioners

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About Social Enterprise

A social enterprise is a business for social good.

They trade like any other business, but exist specifically to make the world a better place. Social enterprises come in all shapes and sizes, servicing markets as diverse as the environment, food & drink, childcare, transport, education and training, work integration, tourism, health and specialist services.


As there is no specific legal company form for social enterprise, they are often constituted differently to reflect the structure their founders decided was the best fit to meet their mission. Some are Companies Limited by Guarantee others Limited by Shares, some have charitable status. However, what they have in common is that they meet the criteria and characteristics that make them a social enterprise.

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    Ballyhoura Centre, Kilfinane 

    Limerick, V35 T2P3

    (C) Social Enterprise Republic of Ireland 2024 

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